Posted on 22/09/2016 I by: AstroSaathi
Have you ever wondered why all the statues that you see of the Buddha show him as calm, cool and smiling? Because Gautam Buddha had found the secrets of life by discovering its harsh realities. He had his ego completely annihilated and found the beauty of present moments. Here are a few facts about Gautam Buddha that you didn`t know about.
Buddha was not as chubby as he is depicted. His portrayal is symbolic of happiness in the east.
An astrologer predicted that King Suddhodhana’s son would either be a well known holy man or a great king. Fearing the prediction of his son becoming a holy man, Suddhodhana kept him away from sufferings and even did not let him learn about religious teachings.
Gautama soon became tired of his materialistic life and desired to leave the palace to see the outside world. While on his ride to see the countryside at the age of 29, he saw four different sights - an old man, a corpse, a sick man and a wandering ascetic that changed his life forever.
Buddha invented The Middle Way to enlightenment with a balanced approach that emphasized inward rather than outward renunciation.
Lord Buddha was a very hesitant teacher. He considered that the thing he knows is very difficult not only for the people to understand but it is also difficult for him to express what he knows into words.
Buddha visited his son, father, wife and his foster mother eventually. His family also joined his Sangha later on. His son, Rahula became the youngest monk in the community at the age of 7.
Buddha’s final request to his followers was: All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation.
Buddhism believes that it is easier to reach enlightenment if born as man. Though women can reach enlightenment but there can never be a female Buddha.